Spam. Say It Loud, Say It Proud.
Face it. You and the family are bored to friggin’ death with baked ham, roast turkey, roast beef, and all of their staid but ubiquitous holiday side dishes (green bean casserole, mashed potatoes with gravy, apple pie, etc.). The Starr Conspiracy breaks the mold with a five-dish holiday Spam menu. Tasty — and good for you. According to Spam’s website, the canned meat contains only six ingredients: already-cooked pork (two different cuts: pork shoulder and ham), salt, water, potato starch (to keep the meat moist), sugar, and sodium nitrite (a common preservative).

Sweet and Spicy Brussels Sprouts with Spam
Thrill the family when you substitute Spam for bacon in this holiday dinner side dish.

Spamashed™ Potato Pierogi Casserole
Vanquish the tired potato casserole. Yes, that’s the right name, and yes, the company has trademarked it.